Payment security :

Payment by credit card is made thanks to the Cyberplus Payment tool from Banque Populaire which uses a payment platform e-commerce named SYSTEMPAY, on which the whole payment information is encrypted (SSL).

When you have to enter your bank details, you are directly linked to the Banque Populaire payment server. 

Laguiole Arbalète Genès David doesn’t know your credit card number and this one is not stocked in our server. 

In addition, the whole information which is exchanged with the Bank is encrypted by using the SSL protocol and all of thus cannot be intercepted or modified by anyone. 

With Cyberplus Payment, you have the warranty that the seller with whom you are in contact is already referenced with the Bank in order to collect transactions on the Internet. 

At the end of the transaction and before to return on the website, Cyberplus Payment will present you an electronic ticket, showing all the payment elements and the transaction result about the Bank authorization (transaction accepted or canceled).

For more information, you can visit our website :

Different security steps for the bank card payment online : 

1 . For all payment requests, the consumer will switch from the Laguiole Arbalete Gene David website to the Payment Cyberplus server, in connection with the Bank. 

2. The buyer will arrive on an encrypted page (SSL). 

3. Enter the credit card number and authorization demand. The link between the buyer and the Cyberplus server of the Banque Populaire will be established in HTTPS, security protocol with SSL, which encrypted the whole information exchanged. This protection protects the data sent with the Internet and guarantees the consumer that his credit card number will not be intercepted by anyone during the transfer to the securised server of the Banque Populaire. 

4. The Bank center will send an authorized or refused number. If the payment is accepted, the Cyberplus System will do the following operations : 

- Display of payment confirmation on the buyer’s screen

- Sending a payment confirmation by e-mail to SARL Laguiole Arbalète Genès David

  • However the card number will never return to SARL Laguiole Arbalète Genès David. 

  • At the end of the payment, the consumer will be sent to the Laguiole Arbalète  Genès David website  where he can continue to visit and see again his order. 

The payment method on this website is secured by the 3D secure protocol :

Our bank will ask you to identify yourself in order to verify that you are the right card holder. This identification is not linked to the secret code and the visual cryptogram printed on the back of the card. 

Information indications are different depending on the bank choosen :

  • HSBC, Banque Postale, Axa Banque et Caisse d’Epargne : Date of birth. 

  • BNP Paribas, Société Générale : Password is sent by phone message.

  • Crédit Agricole, LCL : Personal password used for the first utilisation.

  • BRED, Banque Populaire : authentication key, CD credit card size. 

  • Groupama Banque : Name, Postal code, and date of birth.

The display of this pictogram on your browser will warranty you that the transaction is encrypted, for example : 

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